Absolutely Fabulous | Most Outrageous Quotes.

Absolutely Fabulous | Most Outrageous Quotes.


The highly anticipated return of Edina and Patsy is finally here, they are back with more outrageous one liners, more cocktails and more fabulous outfits. We all know that the ladies were and obviously still are every modern day female’s icon. Let’s look back at some of their fantastic quotes that have inspired the inner feminist in women around the world.





Edina: I shall drink water.

Patsy: (Blank look)

Edina: It's a mixer, Patsy, we have it with whisky.




Patsy: Darling, if you want to talk bollocks and discover the meaning of life you're better off just downing a bottle of whisky. At least that way you're unconscious by the time you start to take yourself seriously!




Edina: I don't want a great, big fat bum like J'Lo, do I, darling? (laughs) I mean, how high have that woman's heels got to keep that nancy off the pavement now!




Patsy: The last mosquito that bit me had to check into the Betty Ford clinic.




Patsy: Keep running darling, there’s booze at the finish!




Patsy: Now channel your inner Cersei and meet us in France. We’ll drink this country dry!




Edina: When I read that drinking was bad for you, I gave up reading.




Edina: There’s a new disease called the Kardashians.




Patsy: A moment on the lips, a lifetime on the hips!




Patsy: I strongly believe I would be a much better person if I were constantly slightly drunk.


Absolutely Fabulous sweetie darling! For more awesome Root7 blogs you can click here or to check out our full range of innovative products head to our website!